
How can I Cancel my Order?

You can cancel your order before it has been processed by the brand/seller. We'll refund the full amount you've paid for such a cancellation. Here's how to cancel your order:

  • Log in to your account and go to My Account

  • Select the appropriate order from Recent Orders

  • Click on ‘Cancel Order’ for the items you want to cancel, individually

  • Select the reason and confirm the cancellation

Once you're done, we'll send you an acknowledgement of the cancellation. Remember, you won’t be able to cancel an order after it has been processed by the brand/seller.

When can I cancel my order?

Make sure you cancel your order before it has been processed by the brand/seller. That's the only way we can refund the full amount you've spent.

Can I cancel only part of my order?

Yes you can. You can individually cancel products in your bag before your order is processed by the brand/seller. Go to Order History in the My Account section to cancel products.

Why do I see a disabled cancel link?

That means the products from your order have already been shipped and you can't make any cancellations now.

How will I get my refund when I cancel an order?

Once your order has been cancelled, it will take 3-4 business days for your refund to be processed and the amount to be transferred back to the source account. In the case of certain public sector banks, it can take up to 10-15 working days.

Will I get the complete refund for the order I’ve cancelled?

Yes. We'll refund the entire amount for a cancelled order.

What should I do if I don’t get my refund in the promised time?

We work quickly to make sure your refund gets to you on time. On the off-chance that it's been delayed, please raise a complaint with us using Burb Tex Care link on the website or the My Account section on App

This is not what I ordered. How do I replace it?

If your order or a part of it does not match the product description, we'll look into it right away. You can initiate a return request though My Orders in the My Account section.

Why was my order cancelled by Burb Tex?

Sometimes our sellers cancel orders for various reasons – the product could be out-of-stock, of unacceptable quality, etc. Once an order has been cancelled, the refund will be processed immediately. In all it will take 3-4 business days for your refund to be processed and the amount to be transferred back to the source account. In the case of certain public sector banks, it can take up to 10-15 working days.